Call for Papers


To submit a paper please upload it using on-line conference system or send it by e-mail


The plenary lectures are intended as reviews of recent world-wide research accomplishments in the respective fields delivered by international experts.

The contributed papers will be on current ongoing basic and applied experimental and computational research on advancements made in experimental and computational fundamental and applied studies relevant to propulsion and stationary power systems of new generation operating on controlled detonations of gaseous, liquid and solid propellants. Both oral and poster sessions are planned.

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please upload a 1-page Abstract and indicate the Session at which you would like to present your paper. The abstract should clearly indicate the objectives of the research, the methodologies used, and the results, and should reflect in brief what will be expected in the full paper. The Program Committee will decide whether the paper will be included in oral or poster session.

If a paper is accepted for presentation (oral or poster), the authors will be asked to prepare a manuscript.

It is intended to edit and publish the Colloquium Proceedings in a bound volume and to have it available at the Colloquium.

If you are interested in attending the Colloquium without presenting a paper, please notify the Colloquium Chair.


The last technical session of the Colloquium will be devoted to an open panel dis­cussion to identify the issues to be addressed, the aspects of research need­ed and the international cooperation that can be fostered to solve various issues of pulsed and continuous detonations.


The abstract should be no more than 1 page in length, including figures, tables, and references.

The abstract should include a title with name(s) and organization(s) of author(s) followed by the main body of text and references.

It should be prepared single-spaced on 8.5x11 in. paper (or A4 paper) using one side of the sheet only with 1-inch (or 25-millimeter) margins. Use 12-point Times font.


The full manuscript should be no more than 8 pages in length, including figures, tables, and references. 
The manuscript should include a title with name(s) and organization(s) of author(s) and an abstract of 150 to 200 words followed by sections containing an introduction, the main body of text, concluding remarks, acknowledgements, and references.

It should be prepared single-spaced on 8.5x11 in. paper (or A4 paper) using one side of the sheet only with 1-inch (or 25-millimeter) margins. Use 12-point Times font.

A 2.5 x 2.5 in. standard diagram in the book is equivalent to 80 words, and a full width 2.5-inch figure counts as about 160 words. Use a minimum amount of text within the illustrations; the figure captions can be extensive giving those details.

Provide a separate list of figure captions, with figure numbers. The above apply for tables as well.

All references should be extensive, i.e., containing the full list of authors, year, publication title, full journal title, volume, issue, pages (for journals); year, book title, place, publisher (for books). For references in Russian use transliteration (, option BGN) and translation into English.